
Keep your skin glowing in winter and protect your skin against winter cold and stress

Winter Skincare

Winter is a hard time on the skin!  Central heating, cold weather and endless alcohol intake over Christmas can really take its toll on your skin leaving it feeling dull, dehydrated and in desperate need of TLC.

There are a few vital steps to take when taking care of your skin, follow these simple steps and your skin will have that healthy glow back in no time at all!

Cleansing and moisturising properly is an absolute must! Going to bed without fully removing your make up first will leave you regretting it in the morning when you wake up with irritated and blotchy skin. Even if you have had a few cheeky drinks on a night out always try to remove your make up before crawling into bed. Moisturising morning and evening is also massively important to keep your skin hydrated and protected. Make sure your daily moisturiser contains an SPF because even in those winter months sun damage can occur and cause ageing.

Exfoliation is great for cell renewal and leaves the skin looking fresh and subtle. Using a nice facial polish or peel 2-3 times a week is ideal for a natural glow and helps your moisturiser to penetrate deeper into the skin. We recommend Vitage’s Micro Skin Polish as it has a perfect consistency and isn’t too harsh on sensitive skins.

Drinking plenty of water and eating well is a must for healthy skin. If our bodies are happy on the inside it shows on the outside. Try to drink 2.5 litres of water a day and if you know you are going to be drinking alcohol that evening then up your water intake throughout the day. Eating a balanced diet of plenty of fruit, vegetables, lean meat and fish (organic if possible) keeps everything ticking over as well as it should and gives us much needed energy. Avocados, nuts, seeds and oily fish helps our skin lubricate from the inside out so is great during the winter months for that extra hydration. Supplements can also be taken to ensure enough vitamins and minerals are getting ingested in these busy months.

A couple of times a week I love to use a face mask before I go to bed and leave it on all the way until the morning. It gives your skin that extra nourishment and you will wake up glowing as well as your skin feeling super smooth. I use Vitage’s Age Defence Hydrating Mask, it has a lovely creamy feel and soaks into the skin really well.

A lack of sleep really shows on your face so a regular 8 hours is essential for rejuvenation and repair. Try get a few early nights in a week and let yourself wake up naturally on the weekends. Be aware that over sleeping can be just as damaging though so try not get into a lazy routine.

Finally try treat yourself to a professional facial once every four to six weeks. A regular facial is a lovely booster for your skin and keeps it in great condition as well as very relaxing for your body and mind. All of our facials at Eden Beauty are great for tired and dull skin and range from a mini facial at £20 to our luxury microdermabrasion facial £45. All facials are 100% tailored to each clients skin type and a full consultation is included. They all increase circulation, moisture levels and prevent premature ageing.

Following these  guidelines will not only ensure that you look great on the outside but feel refreshed on the inside! Winter doesn’t need to feel like a depressing time so embrace it and get out there!

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